Every now and again I get a sort of epiphany moment, where I realise an assumption I’ve held has made no sense whatsoever. Sometimes, there’s been a nagging doubt that something doesn’t make sense (like we lose most of our…
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Every now and again I get a sort of epiphany moment, where I realise an assumption I’ve held has made no sense whatsoever. Sometimes, there’s been a nagging doubt that something doesn’t make sense (like we lose most of our…
[Forgive me, Website Wednesdays has lead me to analytics, and apparently I need this sort of title to grab your attention. I feel like a tabloid journalist….] Is there anything you want to change in your life? With your horse?…
It would have to be said that I am better with horses than I am with computers, and by and large this doesn’t bother me. But technology is moving along and although my iphone still won’t do the mucking out…