IH RA Adam Goodfellow is donating a day of his time to IH charity of the year HorseWorld in Bristol and YOU’RE INVITED!!!
From 11 AM till close of play he will be demonstrating some of the skills he’s learned in the 15 years since he first saw Monty. This will include groundwork like join up, long lining and desensitising, working with some of the charity’s rescue cases. However over the course of the day he will also be giving riding lessons to many of the HorseWorld staff both to help them improve their seat and move towards a better partnership under saddle.
This is a unique opportunity to support a fabulous charity and see one of IH’s most experienced RAs in action for many hours with a very wide variety of horses and riders, helping them to improve not only “problems” but also “ordinary” issues like how to achieve a better seat or get their horses more forward, moving laterally or stopping better.
He will also be signing copies of Whispering Back and Born to Whisper, the books he co-authored with RA Nicole Golding, all profits of which they are donating to HorseWorld.
A raffle will be held for a FREE LESSON at Adam’s gorgeous yard in the Cotswolds- again, all profits to HorseWorld.
The demo is FREE to anyone who visits HorseWorld on the day, paying the standard (exceptional value at less than £8 per head) entry fee- see www.horseworld.org.uk for details.
Date: SAT 19 MAY
Time: 11 AM – 5 PM
Venue: HorseWorld, Whitchurch, Bristol BS14 0QJ
NB The venue is outdoors. Bring good clothes or good weather!