
We welcome spectators. Although we charge a small fee we feel that the best value learning opportunity we offer is spectating.

This photo: Simon Palmer www.into-the-lens.com

Most riders would find spectating on a clinic to be exceptionally informative, both in theoretical and practical aspects of horsemanship. It might be more accurate to describe this as auditing more than spectating, as you will be continually included in the learning. Questions are welcome and spectators often make a major contribution to lessons.

We know many people are struggling to find ways to fund major expenditures like attending a clinic with a horse. If you have not been before and are not sure if it’s for you, spectating will give a very good idea of some of what we may be up to if you come here later and participate. If you have been before, why not come again and renew your acquaintance with lessons you may have taken yourself, at a tiny fraction of the outlay?

COST OF SPECTATING just £10 for a half day, £25 for a whole day including lunch.