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Course of Action?

Depending on what you would like to achieve, it may be better to have us come to visit you, or for you to come here, for lessons, tailored tuition or a clinic.

Sometimes it’s easy to say which is best, if your horse won’t load for example! A horse (rider?) who has confidence issues and might benefit most from working every day for a while, sounds an ideal candidate for coming here. It’s important not to waste money on transport if it isn’t necessary, and also to make sure we can work in safe facilities like our round pen or manege. You can come here for normal lessons, tailored tuition designed to help you make big changes rapidly, or as part of a clinic. The main difference is that during clinics you should have more opportunities to learn with others, and we’d structure the day. Prices are similar or identical per hour.

Costs ……………………. A list of all the charges for our services

Call Outs ……………….. Adam comes and visits you at home

Tailored Tuition …….. Private intensive for horse and/or rider

Courses (clinics) …… One-on-one tuition with audiences, here or at yours

Lessons ………………. Regular or irregular lessons

Livery …………………. Keep your horse at the closest place to heaven

Demonstrations ……. Attend or host-organise a clinic/demo

Spectating ……………. Spectating is a low-cost way to learn with us

Keen to save money? Read our section on keeping it cheap!