List of charges
Please click here if you are trying to economise as much as possible. You could have free training if you host a clinic or demonstration.
Skills Workshops:
£75 for 3-4 hours. Depends on number of participants but numbers will be small to maximise learning.
Rates for hourly work – callouts, lessons, tailored tuition:
Hourly rate for training/consultation work: £50
Loyal customer bonus, hourly rate just £44
Travelling: £30 per hour (if applicable).
Maximum daily rate for an individual: £375, including travel
Maximum daily rate for a yard/clinic £495, including travel
Usual cost per participant for a day clinic £105 – £120
£90 per week
For more about livery click here
Assessment with written report:
A full consultation and assessment of your current or proposed enterprise from both of us with a full written report and recommendations. £1100 based on a medium sized operation. Please enquire for a more detailed quote.